What kind of dangerous goods is cyclohexanone? How should cyclohexanone be transported?


What kind of dangerous goods is cyclohexanone? How should cyclohexanone be transported?

Cyclohexanone is flammable and may cause combustion when exposed to high heat or open flame. Reacts violently on contact with oxidizing agents. In industry, it is mainly used as an organic solvent and synthetic raw material, and is used in paints, nylons, lubricants, and pesticides. Because it is widely used, we often see vehicles transporting cyclohexanone, and we often hear that vehicles transporting cyclohexanone are seized for transporting dangerous goods.


1. Hazardousness

Cyclohexanone is a colorless liquid with a flash point of 43 degrees Celsius. It is flammable and is a high flash point flammable liquid. Moreover, cyclohexanone has a strong pungent smell and can be toxic if inhaled in large quantities. Severe poisoning can cause coma, limb twitching, death, etc.
Cyclohexanone has anesthetic and irritating effects. Acute poisoning: main symptoms include irritation of eye, nose, and throat mucous membranes, dizziness, chest tightness, general weakness and other symptoms. Severe cases may cause shock, coma, twitching of limbs, pulmonary edema, and eventually death due to respiratory failure. It can return to normal quickly after disengagement. The liquid is irritating to the skin; eye contact may cause corneal damage.
Chronic effects: Long-term and repeated exposure may cause dermatitis. Cyclohexanone is relatively harmful, so relevant regulations must be followed during transportation and storage. Cyclohexanone is the third category of flammable liquid in dangerous goods.

2. Precautions for transportation and storage

1. Because cyclohexanone is flammable, it must be avoided near high-temperature areas, and try not to transport it during high-temperature periods in summer.
2. Cyclohexanone will react violently with oxidants, so be sure to avoid transporting or storing cyclohexanone and oxidants together to avoid accidents.
3. Cyclohexanone has a pungent smell and can be inhaled and poisonous. Therefore, when entering storage areas with poor ventilation, be sure to wear a gas mask and safety glasses. Be prepared for protection. It is best to keep the storage place cool and ventilated.
4. Cyclohexanone belongs to the third category of dangerous goods with high flash point and still liquid, so it must be operated in accordance with the requirements of dangerous goods during transportation and storage, and transportation must have a dangerous goods transportation qualification certificate.

Reminder: If cyclohexanone leaks, personnel in the leaked contaminated area should be quickly evacuated to a safe area, isolated, and access strictly restricted. Cut off the fire source. It is recommended that emergency responders wear self-contained positive pressure respirators and anti-static overalls. Cut off the source of the leak as much as possible. Prevent it from flowing into sewers, flood ditches and other restricted spaces.

Post time: Sep-12-2023