This week, the price of isooctanol fluctuated and fell


This week, the price of isooctanol fluctuated and fell

The price of isooctanol fluctuated and fell this week
As of July 12, the price of isooctanol fluctuated and fell compared with the price of isooctanol on July 5 last weekend, with a drop of 0.91%; compared with the price of isooctanol on July 8 at the beginning of this week, it fell by 1.01%; compared with the price of isooctanol on July 1 at the beginning of the month, it fluctuated and rose by 0.51%. The price of isooctanol fluctuated and fell this week. Downstream factories purchased on demand. Enterprises’ enthusiasm for raw material procurement remained stable. Shandong large factories shipped goods at a profit. The market transaction center of gravity moved downward. The transaction of new orders in the isooctanol market increased, and the support for the rise of isooctanol still existed.

The price of raw material propylene fluctuated and rose this week

As of July 12, propylene prices fluctuated and rose by 0.42% compared with July 5; fluctuated and rose by 1.16% compared with July 8; and fluctuated and rose by 0.88% compared with July 1. Crude oil prices fluctuated and fell, propane prices fluctuated and rose, propylene cost support increased, and propylene prices fluctuated and rose this week; propylene downstream production was stable, downstream customers purchased at low prices, propylene manufacturers shipped generally, propylene market supply and demand were weak, and propylene prices fluctuated and rose.

This week, the price of downstream plasticizers fluctuated and fell

As of July 12, the price of plasticizer DOP fluctuated and fell by 0.75% compared with the price of DOP on July 5 last weekend; it fluctuated and fell by 0.88% compared with the price on July 8 on Monday; it rose by 0.51% compared with the price of DOP on July 1, which first rose and then fell. The price of phthalic anhydride, the raw material of plasticizer, fluctuated and stabilized, the price of isooctyl alcohol fluctuated and fell, and the cost of plasticizer decreased. The price of plasticizer fluctuated and fell this week. Downstream manufacturers are in the off-season, the operation is low, the demand for plasticizers is not good, and the support for the rise of plasticizers is weakened.

Market outlook

In terms of cost, propylene prices fluctuated and rose, and the cost support of isooctanol still exists; in terms of supply, isooctanol manufacturers sold at a profit, and the shipment of new orders increased; in terms of demand, the price of downstream plasticizer products of isooctanol fluctuated and fell, and the downstream demand was not good. In general, the supply of isooctanol is tight and the demand is not good, and the cost support still exists. It is expected that the price of isooctanol will consolidate weakly in the future.


Post time: Jul-15-2024