Domestic butyl acetate market prices fell slightly in April


Domestic butyl acetate market prices fell slightly in April

Domestic butyl acetate market prices fell slightly in April

According to analysis, the price of butyl acetate at the beginning of the month was reduced by 100 RMB/ton in April, a decrease of 1.32%.

Market analysis: The domestic butyl acetate market declined steadily in April. There is currently no plan for equipment maintenance or production reduction of the butyl acetate device. The capacity utilization rate fluctuates little during the month, the market supply is stable, and the price of butyl acetate is mostly stable. In the first ten days of the month, due to the impact of cost, the raw material n-butanol consolidated at a low level, butyl acetate manufacturers had a tangled mentality. The butyl ester market performed weakly, and the transaction price dropped slightly.


Cost side: The price of raw material acetic acid fell after a sharp rise, the n-butanol market fluctuated at a low level, and the fluctuation of the cost-side market affected the market mentality. The downstream buying momentum was insufficient, and more follow-up was on demand. The manufacturers actively shipped goods, but the actual transactions were limited. At the same time, the operating rate of the butyl acetate industry remains low, and manufacturers’ price hikes also have a boosting effect. The market supply is limited, and the price of butyl acetate is stable.




Forecast of the market outlook: The current cost-end price of butyl acetate market is weak, with limited support for butyl acetate, average downstream demand, insufficient new orders in the market, and lack of effective benefits on the market. It is expected that the butyl acetate market will consolidate at a low level in the later period, and the market outlook will focus on the price execution of raw material acetic acid, n-butanol and ethyl acetate manufacturers.


Post time: May-07-2024