Domestic Butyl Acetate and Ethyl Acetate Market Analysis


Domestic Butyl Acetate and Ethyl Acetate Market Analysis

The domestic ethyl acetate market is weak and prices continue to fall. According to analysis, as of the 24th, the price of ethyl acetate has dropped by 0.58%, with a cumulative range of around 40-50 RMB/ton. Mainly due to the negative performance of cost demand.

The supply and demand of the ethyl acetate market continued to be sluggish this week. The supply-side capacity utilization rate is on the high side, and supplier shipments are under pressure. The main factories in Shandong have offered profits for shipments, and the bidding prices have been lowered. On the demand side, terminal consumption is slow, and downstream buyers are mainly looking for low-price purchases. They are more resistant to high-priced supply, and the demand side continues to be bearish. On the raw material side, acetic acid prices continue to decline, and cost support is weak. This may continue to be transmitted to the terminal in the later period, affecting the downward trend of downstream ethyl ester.

Looking at the market outlook, the supply and demand of ethyl acetate are weak and the short-term fundamentals are difficult to improve. The ethyl acetate market is expected to continue to be weak in the short term. It is recommended to pay attention to the price execution of raw material acetic acid and ethyl acetate manufacturers.

This week (5.20-5.24), the domestic butyl acetate market continues to operate weakly, mainly affected by demand and cost. Downstream purchasing is sluggish, and the market outlook is mainly bearish. The upstream raw materials n-butanol and acetic acid are weakly shipped. Butyl acetate manufacturers lack confidence. The butyl acetate market has been quiet this week, with limited new orders and transaction prices mostly maintaining the levels of last weekend. Butyl acetate rose or fell 0 during the cycle.

Market analysis: The quotations of major butyl acetate manufacturers this week were mixed, with the upward range being 50-100RMB/ton and the downward range being around 50RMB/ton. The price of raw material acetic acid continues to fall, the n-butanol market is weak, and the cost-side market affects the market mentality. Downstream buying momentum is insufficient, and new orders in the market are limited. Manufacturers mostly ship on demand, and actual transactions are light. However, the operating rate of the butyl acetate industry remains low, manufacturers’ price hikes also have a boosting effect, and limited supply also supports prices. During the cycle, the butyl acetate market will wait and see for consolidation.

Forecast for the market outlook: The current butyl acetate market trading is slightly chaotic, and cost support is insufficient. The downstream market is mainly bullish and bearish. It is expected that the ethyl acetate market will remain in a stalemate in the short term. The market outlook will focus on the price execution of raw material manufacturers acetic acid, n-butanol and ethyl acetate.


Post time: May-27-2024